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#LDR: Online Risks

Hey hey hey Mischevious,

I thought I'd just share something a little personal with you here to deviate from all the haircare stuff I have been posting. So this post is dedicated to those who are currently in a Long Distance Relationship, or knows someone who is invested in LDR.

No pictures will be shared here, just my lovestory.

Disclaimer: For the sake of this story, some parts will be omitted or adjusted and for future boyfriend references, my boyfriend's name shall be Inigo.


This is how it all started.

I'm just an average girl, recently resigned from my 5 year job as a Landscaping Firm. At that point of time I had recently gotten out of a relationship that lasted about a year with someone I had met over a dating app. We become friends, but things turned sour when he started to want to go back to old times. Like they said, ex's can't be friends.

From there, I started to explore things I could expand my creativity, hoping to just maybe bum out for about 6 months. (it has almost been 2 years since my full time job). I began to DIY jewelry and did crafts at home. At that time, also began to play on this multi-player avatar game on my phone. Talking to people and friends all over the world without actually having to show your true self. A place I could escape reality. I met a few people there I constantly talked to.

I don't usually give my heart out to anyone, I tend to put them into the all famous friendzone the moment I felt that they started to develop any feelings. It's my defense mechanism. However while at the bar of this game server, Inigo, caught my attention the moment I saw him. Lowkey cute, suave, cool. You know that kind of guy that you get attracted to at a crowded place, but he's like the silent cool type? Inigo was it.


"You're beautiful"

Those were the first words he said. Had I expected some lame pickup lines as conversation starters? Yes.

We started talking and virtually dancing. There was an instant connection between us both. The conversation kept flowing, occasionally he would make sure that everyone felt included in the party we had going. He was always gentle and kind, very concerned and attentive to me, we were always facing each other. He made sure that I felt exclusive to his attention.

A few hours and a very long conversation we had, I then had to go offline to run some errands. He offered to walk me to my virtual home so he could send me off safely. What a gentleman!

I often rationalise that behind those avatars we make, there is a real person behind it. I am no exception. My actions will reflect my personality. If I'm genuinely nice, you will see that I'm nice. If I was a nasty person, you would see me being mean in the game. I've had my run in's with b**ches and drama queens inside that game that I can guess if someone was sincere or not. (maybe too much time spent on that game).

Inigo asked me if he could get to know me more and if I had a personal account he could talk to me outside of the game, as he wouldn't be able to stay on for long sometimes and he would love to connect outside of the game if I was okay with it. He was sincere and he felt that connection between us. Just as I did. Before we parted ways, he just held me close gently and virtually kissed me. A very sweet moment that left butterflies in my stomach.

That kilig moment that began everything.

But then he then told me something I didn't want to hear. He had a virtual girlfriend.

He was in the process of breaking up with his current virtual girlfriend because she just wasn't invested in him like he was with her and it had been 2 weeks since she came online or even texted him. I felt like crap. I felt like I was the third party that broke a relationship. I told Inigo that too. He appreciated me being honest about my feeling and he would understand if I didn't want to see him ever again.

I decided there and then that I should give him a chance but lets take things slow. I've always told myself that any game is just a game, and if I had gotten my heart too attached to someone in the game, I'd still feel heartbreak. Sometimes, when opportunity comes your way and it feels right, go for it. You may never have that chance to look back. No regrets right? But I rejected Inigo's request for the personal contact and told him that I would see him the same time tomorrow and he could ask me again tomorrow. I just wanted to see if his interest was still there. I didn't want to be just someone's one night stand.

The next day came by, and we hung out again just enjoying each other's company. Server hopping and going on romantic casual dates just to get to know each other more. Sooner than we realised, hours flew by and it was time for us to bid farewell again. He 'walked' me home again. He then asked me again if he could connect with me personally outside, as he was going to go back home the next day as he was at his mom's place visiting over the weekend. He couldn't promise that he could go online as his internet connection wasn't strong back at his place. I told him that I was still uncomfortable with it and he was understanding about it. He gave me his personal contact instead, if by any chance I changed my mind, I could just drop him a text. Ended up talking for a little while more and stubbornly not wanting to end the date we had.

I thought about it through the day, if I should text him.

In the end I did. I texted him and that's where it all began.

End of part 1 of #LDR. If you'd like to read or hear more about my lovestory with Inigo, comment down below. I never know what you guys would like to hear about.

As I'm writing this, Inigo is currently at Rome for work, and a busy two weeks so far for us both.

A message for my love: It hasn't been an easy journey, but I would never trade what we have for anything else in the world. 19 months of knowing you have been the most blessed I have been so far and I would love nothing more than your happiness. We have been through some tough times and lots of tears were shed. But, we have been through many happier times together. You have made my life balanced. You complete me. You support me. Most importantly, you love me just as I am. May you be blessed with continuous good health and always showered with the love you deserve. I love you with all my heart love. Hand over heart. You're always just that close. Never apart.

I love you.


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