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HAIR OILS AT HOME?: I'm Coconuts! (Part 1)


Hey Mischevious!

WELCOME to the soft launching of MSCHFF.COM!

Where I'm not a qualified person who scientifically studies about hair, BUT we're going to try to explore it together anyway! I solemnly swear I'm up to no good (did you get the Harry Potter reference? winkwink).

So if you have read what MSCHFF is all about, you will definitely know that I am on the pursuit of the perfect serum/hair remedy that works to make luscious tamable curly mane. Over the years I've been trying all sorts of commercialized products in the market to combat frizz, tried various hair oil myths to the test and made my own review of them.

You can readup more about me on my about me page! Click me!

Without further ado, let's dive into the realm of haircare!

As you've read the title, it's all about testing out the oils you can find at home! We're always looking for that money saving beauty product so we can save that few dollars and probably a couple of hundreds if you're talking about salon treatments. I'm going NUTS with this one! (get the pun? aww I know I should seriously tone it with the puns)

So in this review, LET'S GO COCONUTS!

My hair on a normal start of the day

Above picture is of me in my normal hair everyday, before the frizzing, heat and sweat gets to it. What I love about my hair is the curls that frames my big face.

So this week I tested out Coconut oil as a hair remedy to manage frizzing and simultaneously provide a moisturizing effect on my hair.

Disclaimer: I had mixed feelings about this.

My hair washing and soaking schedule for the weeklong test

So for a start, the few variables we have to keep somewhat constant through our future tests so we can have a better review on how the hair oils work.

-washing and soaking schedule (mine on the side shown here)

-hair shampoo used to wash it off.

-quantity of hair oil used to soak the hair (2tbsp for 1st soak, 1 tbsp for 2nd soak)

-duration of soaking (1st soak overnight, 2nd soak 1.5 hrs)

Monday night: 1st soaking will overnight and using 2 tbsp of Coconut Oil, to be cured under a shower cap. So below is the glamourous mugshots of myself right before I'm heading to sleep and soaking it overnight! Let's begin!

Before and During the Coconut hair oiling

I let the Coconut Oil cure in my hair under a shower cap for over 6 hours during sleep. My shower cap didn't stay on throughout my slumber and thank goodness I laid my towel on my pillow case just in case of that incident happening or you'd have coconut oiled pillow's to wash off. Note: If you move about when u sleep, do this step for protection.

Tuesday morning. So I washed off my hair in the morning with my Sudzy 2 in 1 Detangler which I had used frequently so I could finish up this shampoo I had. I had gotten most of the oils out during this wash as I still felt that my hair was greasy after the wash. It still felt the same greasiness even after a few hours air drying my hair while doing work at home. Hmm...but let's persist!

This was taken on the night of the 1st wash day! Hours after air drying my hair. My curls look limp but my hair nearer to my roots felt super soft and moisturised. On the side note, if you don't like the smell of coconut oil lingering in your hair for days...I'll have a few more articles on other Hair Oils you can use from your home soon on this blog!

Continuing on, I didn't like the fact that the ends of my hair felt stringy (from the oil residue maybe?).

I showed my boyfriend this selfie of myself as he knew I was testing out homemade hair care for the week. Good to get comments from those closest to you....and he didn't like it! He was sad the big curls he loved was gone. (, spoiler alert my curls will be back soon!)

The morning after

Wednesday. This was right after the morning after the wash. The Hair looks visibly less frizzy and feels very moisturised. I did put the towel on my pillow again as i was afraid any oil residue will rub off while I was fast asleep.

Didn't have to do much outdoor errands this week and the weeklong test, the heat was significantly lower due to the monsoon season. Maybe contributing to the less frizz as well.

Hurray! my curls have not been sacrificed! Half the week is already over and another half more to conquer! So another 2 days of not washing my hair and will keep you updated in HAIR OILS AT HOME?: I'm Coconuts! (Part 2)

Don't stop the MSCHFF!

xoxo Nash

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