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Writer's pictureNasuha Hamdi

MYGEN 7 Energy Toner Water


MYGEN 7 Energy Toner

Retail Price:

SGD 49.90 at Guardian stores

Purpose of product:

  • Addresses scalp oiliness and clogged follicles

  • Removes stubborn plague thoroughly

  • facilitates blood flow and cell growth

  • Cools and invigorates scalp

  • A must-use for men who use styling agents

You must be wondering why is there a need for an Energy Water and if it really is necessary to even have these kind of products for the hair. Is it a gimmick or is it really helpful? And of course, why am I needing a product like this even? I've hardly reviewed any products that contain hair fall control or prevention on my blog and so far the only other once that I've tried and really worked well on my hair was the Folligen Shampoo. (Insert link here).

Well, there have been a few things I've noticed about my hair for the past few years. There is a spot at the back of my head that seems to the thinner than the rest of my head. I'm not sure yet, but it feels very sparse and I worry about it sometimes. I know that my recent post on instagram had one of it that included premature hair-loss and also addressing hair fall in general. I used to worry about the hairs that were falling off from my head and also balding. This blog is all about hair and my hair was and is a big part of my identity. Natural curls and volume that do not require any curling iron etc. Though they tend to have a mind of their own sometimes and get really frizzy often, It became part of me. Even though I know that hey it's just hair and it is not what defines me as a person, I feel a sense of insecurity if someone gave a a bad haircut or even when my hair feels so dry and frizzy. I guess what I'm trying to say that my hair is like my security blanket of my image.

Then two months ago, before I used this product, I felt that my scalp was beginning to change in the hot Singapore climate, and it was making my scalp feel drier than usual. I've been noticing it ever since scratching my scalp to see flakes of dead skin falling like snowflakes in front of my eyes. Gross I know.

I tried my usual clarifying shampoo, but I felt that with my scalp feeling super dry, the shampoo will not be of help to alleviate the condition of my scalp at that time. And I was right. It was then that I was finding new shampoos for me to try that will remove any product buildup on my hair as well as gave me some scalp care that I much needed at that time. The weather in Singapore is definitely getting hotter and hotter. As best as I'm trying to keep myself hydrated, sometimes in the business of everything, I neglect drinking water to keep myself hydrated properly.

That's when I started to incorporate this product into my hair regimen to see if it did help in any way to rejuvenate my scalp.

I like hair products that incorporate menthol and cooling sensation to the scalp. This product definitely has that cooling sensation that is very refreshing to the scalp during summer and hot weather. Initially I thought that the product was like a toner water and would require me to spritz all over my scalp. To my surprise the product is in an aerosol can and only needed me to massage the product into my scalp with my fingertips.

As you can see, the aerosol can has a comb like nozzle that you place directly onto your scalp and press to dispense the product. even though it says to massage the product in with your fingertips, I tend to just use the comb nozzle and run it along the scalp as a massaging tool.

The cooling effect does make your scalp feel rejuvenated and it lasts for about 5 mins or so. I'm sure that the massaging of the scalp does promote blood circulation and that ultimately helps prevent hairfall and also promote hair growth.

The box itself is pretty informative about how long the duration of usage will show you some impactful results and of course to keep it real, I've tried my best to document the whole hair fall situation. I would say that I had medium hairfall seeing that I don't often comb through my hair except for using my fingers to run through it to detangle the locks.

During my first wash before I applied the Energy Toner, I ran my fingers through my hair in the shower and this was the amount of hair fall that I experienced. I have chest length medium thickness hair, so this amount is pretty normal for me during my alternate hair wash days.

I also tested out my hair to see if they were healthy or slightly damaged. Fortunately my hair is very healthy and it floated to the surface of the water. I was inspired to test the porosity of the hair after watching Brad Mondo's youtube video about testing hair porosity. It makes me want to test out other's hair who have had any damages from bleaching or heat styling.

Amount of hair fall:


The strands of the hair is very long and when I clump them up they may look a lot more than just a few strands. I have bust length hair.

A few days after, I noticed that my hairfall was significantly lesser, I only applied it to my hair that was already washed, so alternating days of application. I also noticed that my scalp seems more stronger and more refreshed.

After the application of the toner water, your hair near the scalp will get a little oily through the day and I did realise that my hair was smoother at the scalp area after the application. The scent of it will still linger in your hair for quite a bit before it dissipates.

My sister who also uses this also says that it smells exactly like the hair growth tonic she had used before.

Amount of hair fall:


Of course I did go about and tested using the product with my other hair serums applied after and also did a month long test to see if it was still working for me or if it was some sort of gimmick. I won't be showing you tonnes of hairfall documentation but I realised that the product was either not working for me at some point after week 2. I was getting significantly more hair fall. I wasn't really sure if it was due to hormonal imbalences prior to the time of the month or if my body thinks it's stressed out. I wasn't really sure what was going on.

This was taken on Week 3.

Amount of hair fall:


It was significantly more than the previous weeks which made me think if my scalp was disagreeing with something or just the time of the month approaching.

However, I think it could just be that my scalp has already sort of already wanted to shed those hair and me combing through my hair consciously made me realise how much hair fall there was on a daily basis. Especially whenever I had my hair tied up for the whole day while at work.

I'll continue to monitor the amount of hair fall to see if there is some variation to it. Do follow my IG @mschffsg for more updates!


I like the cooling sensation it gave me upon application of the product after awhile. It is definitely something I was looking for in the hotter weather Singapore has been in for the past month or so. My scalp tends to sweat easily and traps heat when it gets really hot hence something to help cool the scalp down would serve as a good variety of products I can chose to use in the summer.

Juice Box Rating

1. Affordability 3/5 (Considering you can use this product about 2-3 months sparingly, it would cost you less than SGD0.80/day)

2. Moisturising 4/5 It doesn't dry out the scalp and it gives a very smooth and hydrated feel especially after application to the roots of the hair.

3. Endurance in Humidity 2/5 It definitely doesn't have any endurance in the humidity and it didn't have any claims that it did ant humidity control.

4. Efficacy 4/5 I would say that it did feel like it strengthen my hair overall while I was using the Energy Toner.

Average rating: 3.25/5

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